Sunday, July 12, 2015

Did Ariana's Ex write a song about Her?

Ariana's not the only one who's singing about love and relationships! The singer's former beau and "Almost is Never Enough" collaborator, Nathan Sykes, turned his post breakup feelings into music. "As a writer who draws from personal relationships and experiences, I think it's just natural that there's a song to fit that time in my life," says Nathan. "The music's really strong and I poured my heart out. I don't hold grudges whatsoever. I'm one of those people who only takes really positive experiences from relationships and moves forward with them. So, it's a really nice song even though it's quite heartbreaking. It's got a really nice message and it's that you can't be angry at any situation because sometimes, things just work out and you've got to roll with it and move on." Even though the two have gone their separate ways, Nathan's still excited about all of Ariana's success. "Honesty I'm so proud of her," he shares. "When I was watching the Grammy's I know that her being nominated and being able to perform was they type of stuff she always dreamed about so it's exciting." Aww!

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