Saturday, May 12, 2018

Is Zendaya feeling Lonely?

As one of the biggest stars in young Hollywood, Zendaya is a constant trendsetter. From her clothes to her opinions, she does her own thing. So you may have noticed that while other stars her age are spotted at loads of parties, or with huge cliques, Z is totally cool riding solo. "I've always been a very old woman inside a younger person's body," she reveals. "Of course, I have my young people tendencies; we all have those. But at the end of the day, I've always been called a grandma. I don't like going out." Zendaya shares that her perfect day is keeping things low key, staying at home, and we don't blame her she rocks a no makeup and sweatpants look better than anyone! "I enjoy the company of my T.V. and myself," she shares. "And you know what? It's been very helpful, honestly."

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